There's a rash of semi automatic pallet strapping machines...
now appearing on the market that are in effect semi automatic box strapping machines turned on their sides with a probe attached and for which operational descriptions are generally less than helpful in making an informed decision.
Lower cost, faster. easier to use, nil maintenance pallet strapping machines such as the Strap-Poka make alot more sense than this type of equipment....
What it doesn't tell you is.... it's connected by flex to a socket in the wall...that means you've a restricted area of use've got to fetch each pallet to the strapper... and that costs time and money... as does the machine maintenance contract. Light is not. |
![]() A typical description states: Push strapping unit through one void of pallet and flush with product... Press strap feed button, machine automatically dispenses length of strap suitable for size of parcel. What it doesn't tell you is... only one strap at a time is being placed thru a pallet void at floor level, so that means the machine has to be inserted and withdrawn from the pallet twice to apply two straps ...and the operator has to walk to the back of the pallet twice to pick up the straps and drag it over the top of the pack... twice. If a long enough length of strapping has not been fed out... then more has to be fed out... again. another operation. |
A typical description states: What it doesn't emphasise is....It's not a small parcel that you will be strapping - ( in fact a low part pallet load may cause problems as the sealer head is towards the top of the machine so that the operator can reach it ) - it can be a high pallet and continually pulling strapping over the top - for every strap applied - takes time, and is very tiring by at the end of a shift.. |
The description states: Machine automatically backfeeds strap and applies level of tension pre-determined by electric control, heat sealing operation completes the cycle. Total time 15 - 20 seconds apron. Well yes it does... to an extent but only after the operator puts the strap back into the machine - that's not automatic - and the tension applied to the strapping is relatively low when compared with other means of tensioning straps and if you have a heavy product, careful consideration of this aspect of machine performance would be prudent. |
Contact The Plastic Strapping Company Ltd for further advice and information.