Automatic Pallet Plastic Banding Machine.
German manufacture high capacity horizontal Automatic Plastic Strapping Machines for use with polyester straps, fitted with the CFH strapping head. The XF 172 M Pallet Strapping Machines can be programmed to place a series of horizontal straps around a unit load passing down a conveyor or can be FLT fed
Briefly – * Strapping head moves a maximum of 700mm to meet with side of pack
- Strap Track size range from 800 × 900mm to 1400 × 1400mm in 200mm increments
- Progammable ‘teach in’ mode for precise location of the various horizontal
- Fully electric 3PH+N. 3.0kW
- Conveyor height 300mm min – 800mm max.
For costs and detailed proposal for this type of automatic strapping machine contact us direct to discuss your application.
Email or call us on 0115 9291212.
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